1. 横向研发项目:常压等离子体制备掺杂石英玻璃机理研究与工艺预研,2023-2024,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:基于高效双异质结氧化物光伏器件的载流子输运性能调控,2015-2018,主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目:新型全氧化物薄膜光伏电池中电压增强层CuFeO2材料微观结构与半导体特性研究,2015,主持。
4. 湖北省教育厅中青年人才项目:新型氧化物光伏器件TiO2/CuO/CuFeO2的制备与光电性能研究,2015-2016,主持。
5. 湖北省科技厅青年基金:P型CuFeO2薄膜光电性能协同调控及光伏器件研究,2015-2016,主持。
1. 优秀班主任
2. 优秀硕士论文指导教师
[1] Quanrong Deng, Kun Lu, LiweiXiong, Yonglong Shen, Geming Wang, Shenggao Wang and Wei Huang. Effect of p-MoOx interfacial layer on the photovoltaic performances of p-MoS2/n-Si heterojunction solar cells by theoretical simulation. Physica Scripta 98 (2023) 105945.
[2] Quanrong Deng, Chuanmeng Cheng, Ziyi Chen, Zhenyao Huang, Hui Liao, Yonglong Shen and Wei Huang. Comprehensive device simulation of barium silicide solar cells with diverse ETMs and HTMs. Modern Physics Letters B. 2023, 37(28): 2350120.
[3] Quanrong Deng; Liu Shi; Kun Lu; Geming Wang; Tingmin Di; Yonglong Shen; Shenggao Wang*. Construction of Ca-CuFeO2/TiO2(B) p−n Heterojunctions with efficient visible light-driven photocatalysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2023, 127(94): 704-713.
[4] Guosheng Shao*; Quanrong Deng. Self-assembled junctions of 2D single-layer semiconductors: a potential way toward advanced photocatalysis. Energy & Enviromental Materials. 2023, e12532.
[5] Ruxin Guo; Zhao Yan; Quanrong Deng; Yongshang Zhang; Zhiheng Wu; Yanyan Duan; Wei Zhang; Yonglong Shen*; Guosheng Shao*. Energy level matching between transparent conducting electrodes and the electronic transport layer to enhance performance of all-inorganic CsPbBr3 solar cells. Vacuum, 2022, 200: 111028.
[6] Hui Liao; Chuanmeng Cheng; Geming Wang; Shenggao Wang; Pengfei Li; Quanrong Deng*. Effect of contact barrier height on performances of BaSi2 heterojunction and homojunction solar cells. Modern Physics Letters B, 2021, 35(34): 2150521.
[7] Yan Zhao, Quanrong Deng, Ruxin Guo, Zhiheng Wu, Yukun Li, Yanyan Duan*, Yonglong Shen*, Wei Zhang, Guosheng Shao*. Sputtered Ga-doped SnOx electron transport layer for large-area all-inorganic perovskite solar cells. ACS Applied Materials Interface, 2020, 12: 54904-54915.
[8] Hui Liao; Quanrong Deng*; Yonglong Shen; Geming Wang; Shenggao Wang; Yangwu Mao; Theoretical analysis of doping concentration, layer thickness and barrier height effects on BaSi2 based homojunction solar cells toward high efficiency, Solar Energy, 2020, 201: 857-865.
[9] Quanrong Deng; Hai Chen; Geming Wang; Yonglong Shen; Fan Liu*; Shenggao Wang; Structural, optical and photoelectrochemical properties of p type Ni doped CuFeO2 by hydrothermal method. Ceramics International, 2020, 46: 598-603.
[10] Quanrong Deng*; Hai Chen; Hui Liao; Lian Chen; Geming Wang; Shenggao Wang; Yonglong Shen; Numerical simulation and optimization of Si/BaSi2 heterojunction and of Si/BaSi2 heterojunction and BaSi2 homojunction solar cells, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52: 07551.
[11] Yiqi Li; Lian Chen; Quanrong Deng*; Yonglong Shen; Geming Wang; Shenggao Wang; Effect of lack of oxygen on optical and electrical properties of RF magnetron sputtering deposited CuFeO2-x thin films, Modern Physics Letters B, 2018, 32(31): 1850379.
[12] Lian Chen; Hai Chen; Quanrong Deng*; Geming Wang*; Shenggao Wang; Numerical simulation of planar BaSi2 based Schottky junction solar cells, Solid State Electronics, 2018, 149: 46-51.
1. 发明专利:一种常压微波等离子体双波导耦合装置, 邓泉荣; 陈子乙; 童维军; 黄巍; 程川盟; 谢欢; 王奕博; 朱青美; 文志远; ZL202311189309.5
2. 发明专利:一种镍掺杂p型铜铁矿结构CuFeO2材料的制备方法, 邓泉荣; 陈海; 廖辉; 王戈明; 毛样武; 王升高; ZL201910380115.0