姓名:戴武斌 职称:教授 是否硕导:是 邮箱:wubin.dai@wit.edu.cn 地址:湖北省武汉市beat365正版唯一网址513室 |
2009年-2012年:南特大学Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel研究院(法国,CNRS),材料物理化学专业,博士学位
W. B. Dai, S. Xu and et al., Lead-free, stable, andeffective double FA4GeIISbIIICl12perovskite for photovoltaic applications, Solar Energy Materials and SolarCells, 2019, 192, 140.
W. B. Dai, J. Zhou and et al., Photoluminescent propertiesof Eu-doped MAl2Si2O8aluminosilicatesphosphors, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 765, 650.
W. B. Dai, Y. F. Lei and et al., 2D photonic crystal layerassisted thiosilicate ceramic plate with red-emitting film for high qualityw-LEDs,Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2017, 100, 5174.
W. B. Dai, Y. F. Lei and et al., Rare-earth freeself-activated graphene quantum dots and copper-cysteamine phosphors forenhanced white light-emitting-diodes under single excitation, Scientific Reports,2017, 7, 12872.
W. B. Dai, Y. F. Lei and et al., Near-infraredquantum-cutting and long-persistent phosphor Ca3Ga2Ge3O12:Pr3+, Yb3+for application inin vivobioimagingand dye-sensitized solar cells, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 726, 239.
M. Xu, …W. B. Dai*,Study on the influential factors for preparing transition alumina whiskers, Journalof Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 695, 2865.
S. L. Wang, …W. B.Dai*, Investigation on the preparation and properties of reticulate porousceramic for organism carrier in sewage disposal, Journal of Ceramic ProcessingResearch, 2016, 17, 1095.
W. B. Dai, Y. F. Lei and et al., Enhancement ofphotovoltaic performance of TiO2-based dye-sensitized solar cells bydoping Ca3La3(1-x)Eu3x(BO3)5,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 4875.
W. B. Dai, Y. F. Lei and et al., Mesoporous nanoparticlesGd2O3@mSiO2/ZnGa2O4: Cr3+,Bi3+as multifunctional probes for bioimaging, Journal of MaterialsChemistry B, 2016, 4, 1842.
W. B. Dai, S. Ye and et al., High quality LED lamps usingcolor-tunable Ce3+-activated yellow-green oxyfluoride solid-solutionand Eu3+-doped red borate phosphors, Journal of Materials ChemistryC, 2015, 3, 8132.
W. B. Dai, Mechanism of the reduction and energy transferbetween Eu2+and Eu3+in Eu-doped CaAl2Si2O8materials prepared in air, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014, 2, 3951.
W. B. Dai, E. H. Song and et al., Adjustable valence statesof europium in CaAlBO4phosphor by means of enlarging the activatorsite and its luminescent properties, CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 2679.
W. B. Dai, A single-phased Sr1-y-3x/2Al2Si2O8:xCe3+, yMn2+with efficient energy transfer as apotential phosphor for white-light-emitting diodes, Journal of the AmericanCeramic Society, 2014, 97, 2531.
W. B. Dai, Y. F. Lei and et al., Luminescence propertiesand a substitution defect model for self-reduction of europium ions in silicateBa(Eu)MgSiO4phosphors, Materials Research Bulletin, 2015, 67, 176.
W. B. Dai, J. L. Wang and et al., Photoluminescence,non-reduction and thermal stability characteristics of red phosphors Ca3La3(1-x)Eu3x(BO3)5prepared in reducing atmosphere, ECS Journal of Solid State Science andTechnology, 2014, 3, R251.
W. B. Dai, J. L. Wang and et al., Luminescence propertiesof Ca3(1-y)La3(1-x)(BO3)5: 3xCe3+,3yMn2+phosphors for white light emitting diode applications,Science of Advanced Materials, 2015, 7, 2646.
W. B. Dai, M. Zhou and et al., Structure and photoluminescencecharacteristics of europium(III) doped in CaAl2Si2O8phosphors, RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 25470.
W. B. Dai, Investigation of the luminescent properties ofCe3+doped and Ce3+/Mn2+co-doped CaAl2Si2O8,RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 11206.
L. F. Xu,…W. B. Dai*,Investigation on the influence factors for preparing mullite-whisker-structuredporous ceramic, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 649, 739.
L. F. Xu,…W. B. Dai*,Microstructural evolution of Al2O3-ZrO2(Y2O3)powder deagglomerated by sodium hydroxide solution soaking, Journal of Alloysand Compounds, 2016, 656, 798.
M. Zhou,…W. B. Dai*,Investigation on the preparation and properties of monodispersed Al2O3-ZrO2nanopowderviaco-precipitation method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2016, 678, 337.
M. Zhou,W. B. Dai*and et al., Reparation and properties of porous ceramics via re-coatingtechnique, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, 2015, 16, 490.
L. F. Xu,…W. B. Dai*,Study on the preparation and structure of nanocrystal-based Sm3+-dopedceria, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2015, 123, 443.