2010年9月-2015年7月,中国科学院化学研究所, 高分子化学与物理专业,理学博士
2006年9月-2010年7月,beat365官方入口, 高分子材料与工程专业,工学学士
叶龙教授主要从事有机/聚合物光电功能材料的聚集态结构表征与调控、高效器件制备以及构效关系方面的基础研究。近年来在Nat. Mater., Joule, Acc. Chem. Res., Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Mater. Today, Macromolecules等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文100余篇,其中ESI高被引论文26篇,中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文4篇,第一作者或通讯作者论文40余篇。全部论文SCI引用总次数超过9500次,H因子为48。在英文专著中撰写了3篇章节,获授权中国发明专利2项,并应邀为Nat. Commun., Joule, Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Energy Environ. Sci.等40多个国际期刊审稿。研究成果多次被Science Daily、Phys Org、Solar Daily等国际科技媒体等专题评述。曾获得的主要荣誉和奖励包括:
2019年 科睿唯安-全球高被引科学家(材料科学领域)
2019年Publons Top Peer-reviewer(交叉领域)
2019年 天津大学北洋学者英才计划
2018年 美国北卡罗来纳州立大学AIF Best Paper Award
2018年 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室ALS科学亮点奖
2017年 中国科协优秀科技论文
2015年 中科院化学所所长特别优秀奖
2014年 中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文
2014年 中科院宝洁优秀研究生奖学金
2014年 中科院化学所青年科学奖特别优秀奖
2014年 研究生国家奖学金(博士生)
2012年 中科院化学所所长一等奖学金
2012年 研究生国家奖学金(硕士生)
2011年 中科院研究生院三好员工
2010年 全国优秀员工干部
2007年 国家奖学金(本科生)
1. Z. Liang, M. Li*, Q. Wang, Y. Qin, S. J. Stuard, Z. Peng, Y. Deng, H. Ade,L. Ye*, Y. Geng, Optimization Requirements of Efficient Polythiophene:Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells,Joule, 2020,. (*通讯作者)
2.D. Pei, Z. Wang, Z. Peng, J. Zhang, Y. Deng, Y. Han*,L. Ye*, Y. Geng, Impact of Molecular Weight on the Mechanical and Electrical Properties of a High-Mobility Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Based Conjugated Polymer,Macromolecules 2020, 53, 4490.
3.L. Ye*, Y. Xiong, Z. Chen, Q. Zhang, Z. Fei, R. Henry, M. Heeney, B. O'Connor, W. You*, H. Ade*, Sequential Deposition of Organic Films with Eco-compatible Solvents Improves Performance and Enables Over 12%-Efficiency Nonfullerene Solar Cells,AdvancedMaterials, 2019, 31, 1808153.
4.L. Ye*, S. Li, X. Liu, S. Zhang, M. Ghasemi, Y. Xiong, J. Hou*, H. Ade*, Quenching to the Percolation Threshold in Organic Solar Cells,Joule, 2019, 3, 443-458. –ESI高被引论文
5. Y. Xiong,L. Ye*, A. Gadisa, Q. Zhang, W. You, H. Ade*, Revealing the Impact of F4-TCNQ as Solid Additive on Morphology and Performance of High-Efficiency Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells,AdvancedFunctionalMaterials2019, 29, 1806262.
6. Y. Zhu, A. Gadisa*, Z. Peng, M. Ghasemi,L. Ye*, Z. Xu, S. Zhao, H. Ade*. Rational Strategy to Stabilize an Unstable High-Efficiency Binary Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells with a Third Component,AdvancedEnergy Materials2019, 9, 1900376.
7.L. Ye, H. Hu, M. Ghasemi, T. Wang, B. Collins, J. Kim, K. Jiang, J. Carpenter, H. Li, Z. Li, T. McAfee, J. Zhao, X. Chen, J. Lai, T. Ma, J. Bredas, H. Yan*, H. Ade*, Quantitative Relations between Interaction Parameter, Miscibility and Function inOrganic Solar Cells,Nature Materials2018, 17, 253-260. –Science Daily, Phys Org, Solar Daily, PV magazine, Technology Networks, NC State News, ALS News等专题报道 –ESI高被引论文
8.L. Ye, Y. Xiong, Q. Zhang, S. Li, C. Wang, Z. Jiang, J. Hou, W. You, H. Ade*, Surpassing 10% Efficiency Benchmark for Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells by Scalable Coating in Air from Single Nonhalogenated Solvent, AdvancedMaterials2018, 30, 1705485. –Inside Back Cover –ESI高被引论文
9. L. Ye, B. Collins, X. Jiao, J. Zhao, H. Yan, H. Ade*, Miscibility-Function Relations in Organic Solar Cells: Significance of Optimal Miscibility in Relation to Percolation,Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8, 1703058. –Front Cover –ESI高被引论文
10. L. Ye, Y. Xiong, S. Li, M. Ghasemi, N. Balar, J. Turner, A. Gadisa, J. Hou, B. T. O’Connor, H. Ade*, Precise Manipulation of Multi-length Scale Morphology and Its Influence on Eco-friendly Printed All-Polymer Solar Cells,Advanced FunctionalMaterials2017, 27, 1702016.
11.L. Ye, W. Zhao, S. Li, S. Mukherjee, J. H. Carpenter, O. Awartani, X. Jiao, J. Hou*, H. Ade*, High-Efficiency Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells: Critical Factors that Affect Complex Multi-length Scale Morphology and Device Performance,Advanced Energy Materials2017, 7, 1602000. –ESI高被引论文
12.L. Ye*, X. Jiao, S. Zhang, H. Yao, Y. Qin, H. Ade*, J. Hou*, Control of Mesoscale Morphology and Photovoltaic Performance in Diketopyrrolopyrrole-based Small Band Gap Terpolymers,Advanced Energy Materials2017, 7, 1601138.
13.L. Ye*, X. Jiao, W. Zhao, S. Zhang, S. Li, H. Yao, H. Ade*, J. Hou*, Manipulation of Domain Purity and Orientational Ordering in High Performance All-Polymer Solar Cells,Chemistry ofMaterials 2016, 28, 6178-6185.
14.L. Ye, Y. Xiong, H. Yao, A. Gadisa, H. Zhang, S. Li, M. Ghasemi, N. Balar, A. Hunt, B. T. O’Connor, J. Hou*, H. Ade*, High Performance Organic Solar Cells Processed by Blade Coating in Air from a Benign Food Additive Solution,Chemistry ofMaterials 2016, 28,7451-7458. –Science Daily, Nature World News, Phys Org, NC State News专题报道
15. S. Zhang,L. Ye*, J. Hou*, Breaking 10% Efficiency Barrier in Organic Photovoltaics: Morphology and Device Optimization of Well-known PBDTTT Polymers,Advanced Energy Materials 2016, 6, 1502529. –ESI高被引论文
16. S. Zhang,L. Ye*, H. Zhang, J. Hou*, Green solvent processable organic solar cells, MaterialsToday, 2016, 19, 533-543.
17.L. Ye, X. Jiao, M. Zhou, S. Zhang, H. Yao, W. Zhao, A. Xia*, H. Ade*, J. Hou*, Manipulating Aggregation and Molecular Orientation in All-Polymer Photovoltaic Cells,Advanced Materials 2015, 27, 6046-6054. –ESI高被引论文
18.L. Ye, S. Zhang, L. Huo, M. Zhang, J. Hou*, Molecular Design toward Highly efficient Photovoltaic Polymers Based on Two Dimensional Conjugated Benzodithiophene,Accounts of Chemical Research2014, 47, 1595–1603. –ESI高被引论文
19.L. Ye, S. Zhang, W. Zhao, H. Yao, J. Hou*, Highly Efficient 2D-Conjugated Benzodithiophene-Based Photovoltaic Polymer with Linear Alkylthio Side Chain.Chemistry of Materials2014, 26, 3603-3605. –ESI高被引论文,2014年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文
20.L. Ye, S. Zhang, W. Ma*, B. Fan, X. Guo, Y. Huang, H. Ade, J. Hou*, From Binary to Ternary Solvent: Morphology Fine‐tuning of D/A Blends in PDPP3T‐based Polymer Solar Cells,Advanced Materials2012, 24, 6335-6341. –Science Daily, Phys Org新闻报道 –ESI高被引论文
1.L. Ye, S. Stuard, H. Ade*, Chapter 13: “Soft X-ray Scattering Characterization of Semiconducting Polymers” in Handbook of Conducting Polymers, Fourth Edition, Conjugated Polymers: Properties, Processing and Applications, Edited by John Reynolds, Barry C. Thompson, and Terje A. Skotheim, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, March 2019.
2.L. Ye, S. Li, J. Hou*. Chapter 2: “Novel Polymer Donors for Polymer Solar Cells” in Polymer Photovoltaics: Materials, Physics and Device Engineering, Edited by Fei Huang, Hin-Lap Yip and Yong Cao, Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing, September 2015.
3.L. Ye, J. Hou*. Chapter 5: “Conjugated Polymer Photovoltaic Materials” in Organic Optoelectronic Materials, Edited by Yongfang Li, Springer International Publishing, July 2015.
1. 侯剑辉,叶龙,张少青"一种含有硫取代的二维共轭聚合物,其制备方法及其应用",授权公布号:CN103833991B,授权公告日:2016.07.06
2. 侯剑辉,叶龙,赵文超"一种对称结构聚合物太阳能电池及其应用",授权公布号:CN104134751B,授权公告日:2017.04.12